Cavour, Camillo Benso di a Brockedon, William 1832-04-16 #1339

Cavour, Camillo Benso di.
Brockedon, William.
16 Aprile 1832.

                                                                                               Turin 16th April 1832
      Dear Sir,
      You expressed to me, some years ago, the desire of having the dissertation of a certain Mr. Muletti, on the read made through the Mount Viso by the Marquis of Saluce. Not being personally acquainted with that gentleman, nor with any of his relations, I have not been able till now to get possession of it. Luckily I have found it inserted in the fifth volume of a history of Saluce, written by the said Mr. Muletti, and published after his death by his son. Though that history may not be very interesting to the foreigner, I have sent you the whole work, thinking that perhaps it might containt [sic] some useful document on the history of the ancient passages of the Cozie Alps. I have sent it to the bookseller Baillière at Paris, se that you can send for it at his house in London.
      It is not only in England that the great question of the corn laws is agitated, here as well as in your country the contending interests of the consummateurs and the producteurs are in presence striving in order to obtain the first greater liberty from foreign importation, the latter a more effectual protection against the coin of Odessa. Most unhappily nowhere the true principles of economical science are so little understood as in Piedmont. The lucid theories and sound reasonings of the philosopher writers, as well as the numerous facts and evidence collected by the care of various enlightened governments, are totally unknown here. The violent passions of the one, and the blind and selfish interest of the other are the only arms employed till now in the discussion of this question of so mighty interest. Having been of late engaged in several discussions on this subject with person[s] who can exert an efficacious influence on the final decision of it, I have endeavoured to collect all the official documents which might throw a light on the subject. I possess now all that [has] been written on it in France. But I yet want some works published in England. I mean I° a relation of a journey undertaken by Mr. Jacob by order of Government in the Western province of Europe in order to ascertain the state of agriculture in these countries. 2° the report of the committee on the corn laws in the House of Lords. I will be infintely obliged to you, if you be so kind as to procure these works for me.
      All our attention is now directed towards England; we wait with great anxiety the final decision of the reform question. On its success depends the tranquil and decisive triumph of the liberal and enlightened principles and the beginning of an area [sic] of rational ameliorations and sound liberty for Europe. But if it is defeated, if a blind and bigotted oligarchy get again possession of power in England, and after having crushed the liberal party at home, lend a powerful aid to the enraged despots of the continent, there is an end to every hope of peace and rational reform all over Europe. We shall be exposed to the fury of parties, equally mischievous, equally absurd and implacable - the jacobins and anarchists; and the supporters of the civil and religious despotism. More than any other nation Italy is interested in the triumph of the liberal party in England, because more than any other nation she stands in need of the powerful and disinterested help of the great Britain for obtaining in some manner the redress at least of an portion of the intolerable grievances which afflict here since 1814.
      I fear that the [cha...] and the unsettled state of the continent will prevent you from making your usual journey this year. I regret that the same reasons [did] had not permit to me to pay a visit to you in London as I had intention [if we had deleted] let us hope that we will be more fortunate next year; and that we will meet somewhere.
      Believe me, my dear sir,
                                                                                             Your very faithful friend
                                                                                                  Camille de Cavour

Nomi citati:
William Brockedon, Marquis of Saluce, Muletti, Jacob, Bailliere.
Toponimi citati:
Turin, London, Paris, England, Piedmont, Odessa, Europe, France, Mount Viso, Saluce, Cozie Alps, House of Lords, Italy, great Britain.
